Sports Integrity Australia

Sports Integrity Australia is a new organisation - an amalgamation combining the functions of Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority, the National Integrity of Sport Unit and the nationally focused integrity functions of Sport Australia.
Its role is to provide advice and assistance to counter the:
- use of prohibited substances and methods in sport
- abuse of children and other persons in a sporting environment
- manipulation of sporting competitions
- failure to protect members of sporting organisations and other persons in a sporting environment from bullying, intimidation, discrimination or harassment."
Part of Sport Integrity Australia’s responsibilities is to be Australia’s National Anti-Doping Organisation, providing a comprehensive anti-doping programme for the Australian sport community. It also becomes the national platform for the purposes of the Macolin Convention.
The agency was established to draw together and develop existing sport integrity capabilities, knowledge and expertise and to coordinate all elements of a sport integrity threat response nationally including prevention, monitoring and detection, investigation and enforcement.
Sport Integrity Australia provides a single point of contact for athletes, sporting organisations, law enforcement bodies and other stakeholders for matters relating to sports integrity.
It has three primary areas of focus: regulation; monitoring, intelligence and investigations; and policy and programme delivery (including engagement, education, outreach and development).
The agency was created as a direct result of the Australian Government’s Response to the Wood Review - Australia’s Sports Integrity Arrangements and Safeguarding the Integrity of Sport.
For background, the Report of the Review of Australia’s Sports Integrity Arrangements (Wood Review) was presented to the Australian Government in March 2018. The review was an examination of the key Australian and international threats to the integrity of sport.
It presented 52 recommendations across five key themes: stronger response to match-fixing; regulation of sports wagering; enhancing Australia’s anti-doping capability; development of a National Sports Tribunal; and development of a National Sports Integrity Commission.